Temos pavadinimas: Gameris.lt :: The Witcher enhanced edition

Parašė Havok· 06-06-2011 15:21

As pats buvau neseniai parsisiuntes, viskas veikia, tiesiog tavo konpiuteris neisveza...

Parašė Gintaxas· 06-06-2011 15:32

Nepalaiko šis žaidimas Intel vaizdo plokščių, bet yra labai menka galimybė, kad pasileis padarant viską pagal šias instrukcijas.

Create a shortcut to the file c:\program files\the witcher\system\witcher.exe

Right click on that shortcut and go in properties, in the target box, add –dontForceMinReqs

So before you do the change, this is what you have in your target box:

“C:\Program Files\The Witcher\System\witcher.exe”

After the changes it should look that way:

“C:\Program Files\The Witcher\System\witcher.exe” –dontForceMinReqs

(Dont Copy/pate it, you have to type it. it is : “C:\Program Files\The Witcher\System\witcher.exe”(space)-dontForceMinReqs

If you have an Intel chip as a video card, this procedure will only help to a certain point; those chips are not gaming cards.

Then there's a much more complicated workaround that might work if that fails as well, here:

Redagavo Gintaxas· 06-06-2011 15:33

Parašė galaktikas· 06-06-2011 19:37

rakiname temą viskas

Parašė TheImprezaWRX· 05-10-2011 17:28

pas mane geikia su intel be gintxo pagalbos