Temos pavadinimas: Gameris.lt :: Jūsų baisiausi matyti filmai

Parašė FeelingHigh· 10-11-2012 21:02

VHilts1944 parašė:
FeelingHigh parašė:
*Pours gasoline around retarded b*tch's house and throws the lighter after that*
No more Retarded b*tch ... Literally !
*Grabs some popcorn and enjoys the fireworks*

Correction :
... the "Retarded b*tch" , who masturbates all day , all night was an user from Gameris.lt website, with an alias of "VHilts1944". And even though there's no such thing as "non-literal disappearing of an individual", as the user stated previously, he's still a poor guy. It seems everything just went haywire for him. People sincerely hope he'll change his username quickly. :D

The end of the story .
And a moral is : Don't F*ck With "FeelingHigh" !